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An Independent Set Optimization Problem
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- Name
- Alex Rosen
Consider the following optimization problem.
Under the assumption that , given a vertex weighted graph with for some , find an independent set that maximizes .
Restating the Problem
We can encode as a adjacency matrix using the binary string with length . Since , from the codomain of , gives the largest possible weight of any vertex, if we assume that each vertex has weight for the sake of a worst case binary encoding, the length of our encoding will be worst case less than . Consequentely, time as a function of the length of the input encoded in binary form is . Alternatively, if we did not want to represent as an adjacency matrix, and had some machine configured to read a weighted graph as an input string, we could, in certain cases, shorten a tight upper bound on input time to .
For a maximum weighted independent set, let if , and otherwise. Now, the optimization problem can be restated as maximizing
subject to for all . Notice that for all solutions to this new problem, we have for any clique . Taking this inequality, we may use 0-1 integer programming to compute the solution to this problem, where a solution in polynomial time is attainable if this instance of 0-1 integer programming is in NP.
Theorem. The following 0-1 integer programming problem is in NP:
Take our binary string representation of our graph as adjacency matrix . Consider the clique satisfying , and set every entry in to zero if is not in . Now, find a vector such that the following (element-wise) comparison holds:
Proof. Take the problem above as a decision problem with certificate vector . The left of the inequality above is computable in , and the element-wise comparison to verify whether the inequality holds takes . Thus, the certificate for this problem can be verified in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine that takes concatenated with a binary encoding of as input, making this an NP problem.
Therefore, we have a non-deterministic polynomial time algorithm for finding an independent set that maximizes . For an alternative approach, we could say that if is a Hamiltonian cycle of odd cardinality,
By utilizing the aforementioned and preceding inequalities, we can compute a reasonable solution to the maximum independent set problem using the Gomory cutting plane algorithm. Although this approach may appear slower when considering only the few constraints of the original problem, it is well-suited for practical purposes.